Forum - Marina & The Diamonds - Power & Control (Michael Woods)

Marina & The Diamonds - Power & Control (Michael Woods)




De UfnPgErjXIXtNTHGoda Le 2012-12-08 17:05:16

I have recently only been able to visit, by chnace, Brown Edge via google earth it's a long story as to why that I had typed out but somehow accidentally deleted and am too tired/fed up to retype now! sorry but I had still wanted to ask two questions about two sites in Brown Edge so will retype these I'm pleased you continue the tradition of well-dressing, albeit differently to Cornwall and at a different time/festival, but wondered if the nearby rocks The Rocks' which I happened upon in my travels' had any tradition associated with them, or were mentioned as special in any way by locals in the past? Secondly, I was interested in the derivation of the name of Judgefield Lane, having been struck by the sight of the prominent hillock you can see from some distance around and wondering if there was a connection between the two, regarding ancient law-making places, even gibbet hills!! though I expect there may be a more mundane explanation.O a third question, seeing as my virtual wandering (especially in the summer'!) has enamoured me to the enchanted landscape of your area can anyone recommend to me a reasonably-priced self-catering place in or around Brown Edge?! so that I can finally tread the ways for myself.Thanks. And by the way, has anyone written a good history, the more ancient the better, of the area that anyone knows of? I've read the Wikipedia site which was okay, and interesting regarding the well-dressing etc. but I'm sure there must be much more about the area that could be told.

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